byang gter bstan srung mchod sprin [ms]

  • Niebuhr, Uwe
  • KHM-Museumsverband
(Dec. 5, 2018)

Content Description

byang gter bstan srung mchod sprin [ms]
Four ritual texts containing various titles dedicated to protector deities of the Northern Treasures (Byang gter) tradition
iconography:Rāhula (rā hu la) iconography:Three Terma Protectors (bdud btsan klu gsum) affiliation:rnying ma pa iconography:Legdan Mahākāla (mgon po legs ldan) iconography:Citipati (dur khrod bdag po) iconography:Dorje Yudronma (rdo rje g.yu sgron ma) person:Chimed Rigzin ('chi med rig 'dzin) (1922–2002) iconography:Mahākāla (mgon po) visual and verbal communication:manuscripts affiliation:byang gter iconography:Gaṇapati (tshogs bdag) iconography:Five Sisters of Long Life (tshe ring bched lnga) architectural element:altar iconography:Thirty Rulers of the Worldly Gods (dregs pa'i sde dpon sum bcu) affiliation:bka' brgyud
GPS Coordinates
48.2050, 16.3637
description author(s)
  • Uwe Niebuhr

Media Description

hav media handle
original media identifier
UN18 140861,9160
all rights reserved

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original media type
  • KHM-Museumsverband (copyright-holder)
  • Niebuhr, Uwe (photographer)
creation date
Dec. 5, 2018
archived by
archiving date
April 26, 2023, 1:28 p.m.

Archived Files and Derivatives

file information
UN18 140861,9160.nef (27.0 MB)
resource links