134466: bse khrab kyi gtor 'bul [ms]

import Media from './components/media'; import { Gallery } from './components/wrappers';


Torma offering ritual to bSe khrab can

Title: ༄༅།། ༔གནོད་སྦྱིན་བསེའི་ཁྲབ་ཅན་ལ་མཆོད་གཏོར་འབུལ་ཚུལ།། ཞུགས་(བཞུགས་) སོ། [gnod sbyin bse'i khrab can la mchod gtor 'bul tshul // zhugs (=bzhugs) so/]

External link to [134466] at the Weltmuseum Wien Online Collection

Object biography

Drongshar, Tsering, Mathias Fermer and Uwe Niebuhr. Annotated Catalogue of the Text Collection of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923–1959) at the Weltmuseum Wien. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien. (forthcoming 2024).

Nebesky-Wojkowitz, René. 1958. "Tibetan blockprints and manuscripts in possession of the Museum of Ethnology in Vienna." Archiv für Völkerkunde 13, 188: No. 134.466; Title: gNod sbyin bse'i khrab can la mchod gtor 'bul tshul bzhugs so; Manuscript, written in the dbu can script, 8 folios; size 43,5x9,5 cms; A book giving instructions for the worship of the yakśa bSe'i khrab can [n37: Regarding this deity see Nebesky-Wojkowitz: Oracles and Demons, pp. 145–153; for a detailed discussion of this work's colophon see op. cit., p. 591.], the wrathful form of the dharmapāla Tshangs pa dkar po. The work is supposed to have been composed by the fifth Dalai Lama during his summer retreat at gSang phu.

Nebesky-Wojkowitz, René de. 1956a. Oracles and Demons of Tibet: The Cult and Iconography of the Tibetan Protective Deities. The Hague: Mouton, 591: 103 gNod sbyin bse'i khrab can la mchod gtor 'bul tshul; Manuscript; Fols. 7; Museum für Völkerkunde, Wien, Collection Nebesky-Wojkowitz. The colophon of this work mentions that the deity described in this book was a mighty srung ma of Indian origin, which had been subdued by Padmasambhava. Until then no reliable book of worship of this deity existed, as all the older texts were inaccurate, being based on the teachings of the sNags gsar ba (=Sa skya pa) and the sNgags rnying ba (=rNying pa ma), whose methods of worshiping bSe khrab were as uncertain as "shooting off an arrow in the darkness". Therefore, upon the urgent request of the chos rje bsTan 'dzin rgya mtsho of Gling smad monastery, the sprul sku of Bra yag—who was residing at the Nyag re khang tshan in the dGa' ldan monastery—and the bla ma 'Bri ka a of the Mi nyag khang tshan in the dGa' ldan monastery, and others, the fifth Dalai Lama (here addressed by his "secret name": Za hor gyi benḍa) composed this book during the summer retreat at gSang phu.

Inventory of the Weltmuseum Wien, Post XIII/1953: 7 Manuskripte über deren Inhalt vom Sammler keine näheren Angaben gemacht wurden. Es handelt sich um tibetische Bücher mit religiösen Texten, die auf handgeschöpftem Papier mit schwarzer Tinte in tibetischen Zeichen beschrieben sind; Maße: Nr. 466; 55x10 cm, in zwei Holzdeckel gefaßt.

Shipping list, René Nebesky-Wojkowitz & Karl Anton Nowotny, 28 May 1954: Box 1, 52) 1 Tibetan manuscript (ritual of the deity bSe Khrab), T7.

Inventory list, René Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Kalimpong, 15 December 1951: 7) Tibetisches MS: Ritual des Gottes bSei khrab chan, 7 Folios.

affiliation:dga' ldan pho brang affiliation:dge lugs pa affiliation:Tibetan Buddhism iconography:Dorje Setrab (bse khrab) iconography:Tshangpa Karpo (tshangs pa dkar po)