13. Title: klong snying ma mgon mnga' gsol

import Media from './components/media'; import { Gallery } from './components/wrappers';


Title: ༄༅། །ཀློང་ཆེན་སྙིང་གི་ཐིག་ལེ་ལས། བསྟན་སྲུང་དམ་ཅན་རྒྱ་མཚོའི་རུ་མཚོན་མངའ་གསོལ་བཞུགས་སོ།།

External link to [134478] at the Weltmuseum Wien Online Collection

Object biography

Drongshar, Tsering, Mathias Fermer and Uwe Niebuhr. Annotated Catalogue of the Text Collection of René Nebesky-Wojkowitz (1923–1959) at the Weltmuseum Wien. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien. (forthcoming 2024).

Nebesky-Wojkowitz, René. 1958. "Tibetan blockprints and manuscripts in possession of the Museum of Ethnology in Vienna." Archiv für Völkerkunde 13, 202: l) Title Klong chen snying gi thig le las/ bstan srung dam can rgya mtsho'i ru mtshan mnga'i gsol bzhugs so; Abbreviated title: Klong snying Ma mgon mnga' gsol; 4 folios. [...] 203: All the above blockprints have the size 39x38,5 cms.

iconography:Damcan Gyatsho (dam can rgya mtsho)